If you’re desperately searching through the pages of Google to find that perfect home business, I have no doubt in my mind that you have seen multiple pages that display the shirtless surfer looking guy with a laptop. As you continued to read on, you heard boasts of “$5,000-$10,000 per week” and “6 and 7 figure returns” and you got really excited, am I right? Chances are you were completely sold on the concept, but the big factor in your indecision was the cost. Well, before you give the Reverse Funnel System anymore thought, I’d like to break it down a bit more simply and bring some things to your attention that you may have ignored or simply didn’t notice. Furthermore, I’d like to make mention to an equally comparable alternative, and perhaps show you another option to consider.
First of all, let’s break down Ty Coughlin’s Reverse Funnel System. You MUST pay $50 for an “application” to get details on the system. You THEN realize that the source of all this supposed revenue stems from another opportunity known as Global Resorts Network. The information that follows is quite similar to what you originally read before forking over $50, which is colorful vocabulary that beautifully paints a “you’re going to be rich” picture; and you’re left with the decision of whether or not $5,000+ is worth this opportunity. If you didn’t have a dispensable $5k in your pocket, I’m sure you went looking for answers and consequently stumbled across this article.
One thing to immediately evaluate is the high costs of joining. The membership fee is $3,000 and along with that it is recommended that you also have around $2,000 to $5,000 in startup advertisement costs. PLUS, there is also a recurring monthly fee of $300. That’s a bit to handle for the average person in America. If anyone does have that kind of money to risk on business ventures, they typically look at these types of opportunities as a means of INCREASING their riches, not MAKE them. So what does this mean? It means that the Reverse Funnel System is tailored for those who HAVE money. Consequently, the little guy is left out and anyone else who doesn’t have as much to invest has to look elsewhere.
Furthermore, what does this suggested advertisement budget inform us of? It implies that the Reverse Funnel System is very dependent on paid advertisement. So anyone who can afford to invest more in advertisements automatically has a higher probability of success. That doesn’t make the system a level opportunity.
There are tons of ways to drive traffic to a website, which in essence is the name of the game with most programs like this. You are given a page that converts visitors into buyers, which leaves you one job: send visitors to your page. If you join the Reverse Funnel System, it’s obvious that the preferred method of acquiring these visitors is advertisement. What about the countless types of free traffic? I doubt that the Reverse Funnel System devotes much time to these.
Also, what if you can’t afford the Reverse Funnel System? Does that mean that other less expensive opportunities don’t size up to RFS? Some would think so; but the cost of a program doesn’t necessarily justify how much success you’ll have with it.
This brings me to my next point. Given the right information, and the proper training, do you think you could become profitable with any program simply because you know how it ALL works? If you’re new to internet marketing, I’ll just answer that for you…NO. I hope that isn’t a slap in the face to you, but it’s true. Whether a program sucks or not, you can theoretically make money no matter what. It’s just a numbers game, as is anything else. If you can get a million visitors to any given page that sells something, some people are going to buy. If a buyer can tell themselves that the product is worth its price tag, transaction over. That holds true if the product is a piece of gum, or a million dollar house.
What am I getting at? If you know how to properly market online and you can find people looking to buy what you have, you can literally sell anything. It’s an invaluable skill. Choose any search engine, type in “home based business” and have your pick of the litter; the experienced marketer can turn a profit from that program. So instead of asking “will this opportunity make me money?”, ask “will this opportunity TEACH me to make money.” A small difference in wording completely changes the question.
The only affiliate program that recognizes the importance of teaching its members how to properly market online is Derrick Harper’s Wealth Funnel System. Like its competitors, it offers the opportunity to sell products that the market demands; but more importantly it provides members an abundance of lessons and materials on internet marketing. This allows the beginner to shed his rookie status in no time at all. Furthermore, it also gives access to pre written ads that have shown to be highly effective, just like the rest. The difference is that Wealth Funnel System doesn’t encourage blind advertisement and ask its members to just assume that every ad will yield profits. The ads are a tool among many, but not the focus. The focus is in teaching a skill set, which is more valuable than any number of pre written “effective” ads.
This concludes my article on the Reverse Funnel System. I hope it’ll be of assistance in your evaluation of Ty Coughlin’s opportunity. No matter what business you decide to pursue, make sure that your success is dependent on your own efforts and not just the promises of the company. Wishing you the best, Joe Marquez (ArticleSlot.com)
One thing to immediately evaluate is the high costs of joining. The membership fee is $3,000 and along with that it is recommended that you also have around $2,000 to $5,000 in startup advertisement costs. PLUS, there is also a recurring monthly fee of $300. That’s a bit to handle for the average person in America. If anyone does have that kind of money to risk on business ventures, they typically look at these types of opportunities as a means of INCREASING their riches, not MAKE them. So what does this mean? It means that the Reverse Funnel System is tailored for those who HAVE money. Consequently, the little guy is left out and anyone else who doesn’t have as much to invest has to look elsewhere.
Furthermore, what does this suggested advertisement budget inform us of? It implies that the Reverse Funnel System is very dependent on paid advertisement. So anyone who can afford to invest more in advertisements automatically has a higher probability of success. That doesn’t make the system a level opportunity.
Also, what if you can’t afford the Reverse Funnel System? Does that mean that other less expensive opportunities don’t size up to RFS? Some would think so; but the cost of a program doesn’t necessarily justify how much success you’ll have with it.

The only affiliate program that recognizes the importance of teaching its members how to properly market online is Derrick Harper’s Wealth Funnel System. Like its competitors, it offers the opportunity to sell products that the market demands; but more importantly it provides members an abundance of lessons and materials on internet marketing. This allows the beginner to shed his rookie status in no time at all. Furthermore, it also gives access to pre written ads that have shown to be highly effective, just like the rest. The difference is that Wealth Funnel System doesn’t encourage blind advertisement and ask its members to just assume that every ad will yield profits. The ads are a tool among many, but not the focus. The focus is in teaching a skill set, which is more valuable than any number of pre written “effective” ads.
This concludes my article on the Reverse Funnel System. I hope it’ll be of assistance in your evaluation of Ty Coughlin’s opportunity. No matter what business you decide to pursue, make sure that your success is dependent on your own efforts and not just the promises of the company. Wishing you the best, Joe Marquez (ArticleSlot.com)
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