Wednesday, July 30, 2008

What is Lead Generation?

Every working business owner should have a sales lead generation program in place. Some of them can be as simple as getting referrals from existing and new customers. Some can be as elaborate as a lead generation service. Whatever method the business uses lead generation is an important aspect of business life.

Lead generation is a method used by businesses to create new customers. An existing business may have customers, but with only a few customers businesses cannot survive, so then it becomes essential for the business to find new customers.
Finding new customers is a constant process. Every business may have more than one method in place to produce new customers, but they all will have at least one. Depending on the financial situation of your business, you can find low cost lead generation programs to use or you can hire a lead generation service to provide you with a list of qualified leads.

If you are going to use a lead generation service, make sure to choose a reputable company who will stand behind the qualified leads you receive. If you are going to pay for leads, make sure you are getting qualified leads. You want the prospective clients to able to use your product or service.

If you are not getting qualified leads, you might as well get the names out of your local phone directory.
If you are going to use a low cost lead generation, make sure the method you choose will narrow down the list of prospects to those prospective clients who will most likely use your product or service. It is possible to make sales from cold calls however the percentage is much smaller than with qualified sales.

Every business needs a good sales lead generation program working for them. If it is not working well at increasing your sales, then you might look closely at the method you are using in order to find any changes, which might need to be made to improve its performance. If it still doesn’t work, try implementing a different method. (

Friday, July 25, 2008

Understand The Psychology Of
Why People Buy

One of the most important tips to succeed in Network and Internet Marketing (or business in general) is to understand the psychology of why people buy. 

Human psychology is a fascinating subject and if you ever master it, you can, as the rich do, “create money.” Just make sure you do it with a rock solid product, service or idea that delivers a lot of value or entertainment to your customer.
That being said, there are psychological triggers that make people buy products and services with little or no hesitation. You want to know what they are, so lets begin with some questions… 

Why do you buy products or services? 

Why do I buy products or services? 

People are very different and buy for different reasons. 

But there is one central theme driving those reasons and that is this: 

People buy a solution to a problem. 

Really, it is that easy.

But lets expand a little further and talk about some of the most popular and appealing problems people buy solutions for. 

Ready? OK, lets do it… 

People buy to save time: 

Time. We only have 24 hours of it a day! (isn’t that scary) We seem to always need more of it. 

Understand this: In our fast-paced environment, the market for products and services that can give us some of our time back to do other things will never go out of fashion. If you can really save people time, you can make money. And lots of it too! 
People buy to gain more security: 

In our society, the mainstream media constantly pitches fear at us. You can turn on your 5 o’clock news almost every night and watch something that injects fear and worry into most of us whether it be high gas prices, the crashing real estate market, rising crime in your local area, or some new virus in the air.

With that said, it becomes instinctive for most people to buy products or services that gives them more security. 

People buy to reduce or eliminate repetitive or hard work:

Repetitive and hard work? Yuck! 
You probably enjoy keeping things fresh and interesting, right? And if you are like me, you like to keep things as easy as possible. Have you ever had a job or a business task where you had to do the same thing over and over or something extremely repetitive or physically or mentally draining that ruins the rest of your evening because you’re so dang exhausted?

Well, people will definitely buy anything that can reduce or eliminate repetitive or hard work. 

We’ve all heard the statement “There’s got to be an easier way of doing this.” And if you can show people that way with your product or service, money will chase you down. And that’s a good problem to have! 

People buy to save money and make money: 

Hey we all need money to survive. If you have a product or service that saves people money or makes people money (or even better, does both), people will consider your product or service. 

People buy to feed their curiosity: 

Some things sound really good to us or really odd to us, but in a lot of cases, we don’t really know until we try. 

I’m sure you’ve seen the commercials advertising some psychic you can call that can tell you your future, etc. Most people call psychics because they’re “curious” as to what the psychic really knows (or doesn’t know). 

Always create curiosity when you can. It’s a great psychological trigger that will help your sales improve dramatically. Think about how many times you’ve purchased a product or service out of curiosity. 

People buy to acquire pleasure: 

Unloading $5,000 on the latest and greatest 60? high definition TV (HDTV) and another $500 on a BluRay DVD player is simply buying pleasure. The big TV looks great in your living room and you’ll be a hero on gameday when all of the guys come over to watch the game on your 60? big screen. It’s great entertainment and entertainment is one of the best pleasures in life.
And your Network and Internet Marketing business allows you to make a lot of money from home and live life in a big way once you figure the game out. How do you feel about that for acquiring pleasure? After all, do you really want to stay in the rat race your entire life living paycheck to paycheck? If you do, you are on the wrong blog! 

And since we’re talking about pleasure, let’s shift our focus to pain… 

People buy to avoid pain: 

Listen, I don’t like pain. You don’t like pain. It can be physical pain, emotional pain, or financial pain…nobody likes pain. Period. 

If something hurts bad enough and you can buy something to mitigate or better yet eliminate the pain, you will buy it hands down.

And there they are - the biggest problems people will buy solutions to. 

There are other reasons why people buy, but these are some of the biggest and most important, especially in the Network and Internet Marketing arena.

This is an extremely crucial tip and I recommend you bookmark this particular blog and print it out. 

Whenever you are putting together any marketing piece such as your own blog (which you definitely need), a sales letter (again, something you definitely need), a Web Site presentation, a Webinar, a conference call, etc., pull out this blog and make sure you understand why people buy. 

When you do, include as many psychological buying triggers as possible by talking about a problem and presenting your solution. If you can present the solution indirectly and from the perspective of a consultant rather than a sales professional, you will probably have a very profitable marketing piece.

Tips And Advice on Small Business Web Hosintg 

There are many things to consider when selecting the best small business web hosting. With all the options and features available in the web hosting industry, it may be a good idea to take time out to educate yourself on what is the best type of small business web hosting. Your particular needs are crucial in finding the best web hosting for your small business.
To find a small business web hosting plan that is right for your company, you will first need to decide exactly what your site will be used for. Do you want it to be very informative and content driven? Would you like to sell your products online? Do you just need a web hosting plan that will accommodate a simply designed website? Do you need a database?

If your site is already developed and ready to go live, it will be fairly simple finding a web hosting plan that will accommodate your small business. All you will need to do is collect a list of companies that offer small business web hosting plans and then see if they accommodate the features that you need. You will need to research carefully, because web hosting companies don’t always disclose the finer details on their main pages.
The best way to find a reputable web hosting company is to find current customers and ask them some questions. In order to truly understand how their customer service and reliability measure up, you will need to get past their website and see what other people have to say. For example, if you choose a company based solely on its price, you could be losing money in the long run if the server is constantly down.

Small business websites often have special needs. In order to find the small business web hosting plan that is right for you, you will need to do some research. If you still need to develop your site, it may help to take care of that before you search for a company.(

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Secret Of Getting Visitors That Convert

When it comes to website traffic, the old saying “the more the merrier” doesn’t exactly apply. Simply having lots of traffic will not increase the number of sales you have. Your goal in creating traffic is to attract targeted traffic, which will in turn, bring you more paying customers. You can have a lot of traffic coming to your website, but if they are not interested in your product or service, what good will it do to have them visit your site?

If you do a search on the Internet for ways to increase traffic to your site, you will find websites that sell software or monthly membership packages that promise to bring traffic to your site. Don’t be fooled by these costly gimmicks. There are many ways you can increase traffic to your site for free.
What these companies don’t tell you is that one of the methods they use to drive traffic to your site is paying people to “surf” the Internet. People log into a website, enter a password and their computer will automatically “surf the net”, displaying different websites.

However, the person that logged in isn’t necessarily paying attention to the screen - or even looking at it. The company that you paid may be driving “traffic” to your site in terms of visitors, but that doesn’t guarantee more customers.

It may sound like a contradiction, but promoting free items can also bring in bad traffic. Yes, you may attract more visitors, but a lot of those people just want a “freebie”. They might not really care about the services or products you provide, and once they get that “freebie”, they may never return to your site again.
Now, that doesn’t mean you should never offer free items they can definitely help increase sales in certain situations, such as a “buy this ebook and receive this free special report” offer.

Trading links and participating in banner exchanges may sound good in theory, but again, if targeted traffic isn’t coming in, your sales won’t be affected. Remember, traffic doesn’t equal customers. If you have a site related to babies, it doesn’t make sense to trade links with a site related to sport fishing.
Always keep your target market in mind. Who is your audience? Why should they visit your site? Having fresh, relevant, timely, and informative content will attract quality traffic. Once people come to know your site as a source of quality information, they will return when they need to learn something new. The more quality traffic that comes in, the more customers you will have.

By staying away from bogus websites offering promises of high numbers of traffic and sticking to proven methods of generating quality traffic, you will not only increase your site’s traffic, you will also increase your conversion rates. (
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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

How to Climb to the Top of All the Search Engines

Whatever the purpose of your website or blog…whether it is for fun or for profit, it stands to reason that you want as much traffic as possible. Nobody ever complains that they’re frustrated because too many people visit their blog or website.

Even more important than increasing the total number of visitors to your site is boosting the number of visitors with a strong interest in its content.
Anybody can buy traffic, and most folks who do pay too much for it. But, wouldn’t you rather get the free traffic that comes as a result of high search engine rankings?

Not everyone spends their advertising dollars badly, but not even the best advertising program can compensate for the absence of good search engine rankings in Google and Yahoo.
Nobody can argue against the often made statement that “content is king” in developing a good website and in achieving enviable search engine rankings. And, if you emphasize the wrong keywords on your website and in your promotional activities, you’re sunk. But, anything and everything else you do will not get you where you want to be in the search engine rankings without an aggressive, ongoing link building effort.
Many website owners have received thousands of links (literally) by writing articles not unlike this one. If well received, a single article can result in nearly 1,000 links. And, there are organizations which will distribute your articles for a fee, and software programs which enable you to do so pretty quickly and easily.

Requesting links on appropriate websites can also move you well up the search engine ladder. And, while you can do it manually, there are several relatively inexpensive pieces of software which can make link building far faster, easier, and less tedious. Most SEO software offers a free trial, so try a few options before making a purchase.
My organization has offered a free ten lesson course in search engine optimization designed to help website owners for more than five years. Of all the many things we discuss in the ten lessons, we have found out, over and over again, that nothing is more important than linking.

Webmasters who want as much traffic as possible (and who among us doesn’t?) need to commit to a focused, aggressive link building effort. If they do, their efforts are almost certain to be rewarded. (

Monday, July 21, 2008

AdWords Management Strategies
Four Simple Tips

As PPC advertising has become much more mainstream in the world of online advertising, it can seem that more and more keywords are becoming saturated. This can be true at times, but there has never been a better time to run an effective Google AdWords campaign. All you need to know is a few tips. Here are four that you won’t want to forget when you start up your next AdWords campaign.

The first thing you should do is carefully consider your keyword strategy. Just because a PPC service offers a relevant keyword generation feature doesn’t mean you have to use it. Be very selective and precise with your keywords, and do your homework. Make sure that your keyword doesn’t have a double meaning or overlap with another industry. The last thing you need is people clicking up your ads who have no intention of buying your product or service.
CO.CC:Free Domain
The second thing you should consider is the position of your bid. Many inexperienced PPC campaign mangers think that it is better to bid for the top spot. However, this is rarely the case. Unless you are the undisputed leader of your industry, this is not a good idea. The top spot is a very wasteful place to be. You will get many clicks that have no chance of resulting in sales. Instead, try to bid for the first page, but not the first spot. Use your text ad to sell yourself, not your positional ranking. A higher ranking will mean more clicks, but a lower conversion rating on the backend.

One of the AdWords management strategies that goes without saying (but still can’t be said enough) is to test all of your keywords, and then test some more. You need to remember that PPC marketing is like the stock market - it can fluctuate greatly on a daily basis. Ignoring your keyword results or click through rates or conversion rates for too long can spell doom for your PPC advertising campaign. It is vital that you continually monitor your campaign, and make the necessary changes.
Last but not least, you should consider placing CPM ads instead of just CPC ads. What does this mean? CMP is a term that means cost per thousand, and it refers to impression based pricing instead of cost per click pricing. So, you can place ads on a cost per impression basis on websites that cater to a demographic that may be interested in your product. If you sell lawn mowers, you may want to advertise on a site that discusses lawn maintenance. Where your ads appear is up to you, but it can be a great way to pick up cheap impressions and, ultimately, clicks.

By implementing these four easy solutions, you can increase your chances of success in the PPC industry. Good luck. (

Thursday, July 17, 2008

How To Get Your Failing
Ecommerce System Back On Its Feet

All of us know that eCommerce is \”in\”. The latest market research says the most people shop online - Over 80% of internet users have bought at least once on the internet… And the number is growing at a fast pace. But the questions is - are you riding the wave? Or are you beneath it? Lets check it out.

If you eCommerce system is giving your nightmares, you are probably beneath the wave. If you are spending more on maintaining, and keeping your system running and up-to-date, you are probably in a bad shape. So you are saying, \”How can I get the most out of my ecommerce system?\” Here are some tips.

eCommerce is not about commerce - its about the \”e\”! Lets face it. Commerce is an integral part of eCommerce, but \”e\” is what makes it happen - and more interesting. The eCommerce site needs to be compelling. It needs not only showcase the products, it has to touch upon the customers needs. It has to hit that nerve. Also you must allow the visitors to put up their reviews, their suggestions. The system should allow interaction and ease for users to be more interested in buying.

Don’t Focus of The Numbers

\”More visitors mean more money\”. That would be your first assumption. However this assumption is completely wrong. Rather than focusing in attracting new customers, you should focus on building customer loyaly. They will bring you much more profits. Motivate loyal customers by giving them privelages, such as discounts. This is because loyal customers will keep buying from you, and also attract other customers.
The Script Behind The Look

Choosing the right shopping cart script is a very important factor in your eCommerce sites. There are plenty available on the web, however you need to pick a flexible one. Something that makes the users feel like they are in control. You want your customers to enjoy using this system. Once you find the perfect system, half the job is already done.


Even though you may have the perfect script, it will only take you so far. A very important part of eCommerce, as you remember if customer loyalty. In order to have your customers come back, you need to provide good support to these customers after they made their purchase. If you give bad service, your whole system will fail.
Final tips on How can I get the most out of my ecommerce system?

1. Make sure you track the important statisitics - how many visitors? how many buyers?

2. Partner up (affiliate) with other sites. This will help you increase your business as well as theirs. Everybody wins.

3. Encourage loyalty by making rewards for loyal customers (such as discounts)

Try this tips, and you’ll see that your ecommerce system makes your ecommerce business a success!(
Learn To Earn

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Tips for Taking Surveys to Earn Money

Did you know that you can do survey jobs as a means of making a little pocket money? You can and while you might not become wealthy, you can earn something extra to help. The process of surveys is fun and quick and in general, there are lots of possibilities.
In fact, surveys to earn money have become so popular that there are now more companies than ever before. This is a great way to make a little money fast, which is why people love it. While money is the typical pay, some companies will pay in the form of credits or goods.
Then, many of the top paid surveys online have the same conceptual foundation. All you need to do is find a number of reputable sites and go through the registration process. When you have completed this, the company would get in touch with you via email to let you know of needed surveys to be completed.

The great thing about making money for doing surveys is that anyone can do it. You do not need an education, special training, or any money to invest. Instead, all you need is a computer and the desire to share your opinion - period.
There is not typical type of person that gets involved with surveys to earn money but we do see a growing number of stay-at-home mothers, disabled individuals, elderly, and even teenagers looking to make some money. As long as you are a consumer and have an opinion, you would likely be accepted. Now, there are some websites looking for something special but this is rare.
Many of the top paid survey online companies are needing consumer input for a product or service. Let us say there was a company getting ready to launch a new baby product, meaning they need new mothers to participate in the surveys. Again, there are some companies that have a specific audience but more are general.

Surveys jobs, also known as market research, allow you to contribute to product development. After all, companies want to offer consumers the very best but if they do not know how it will be received, they cannot always achieve their goal. However, with surveys jobs, they get all the information needed to make informed decisions.

Top paid surveys online will sometimes be specific to a new product getting ready to launch. Another example would be a new food product that needs a name. The survey may provide you with a list of potential names, allowing you to choose what appeals most so they can see what would capture the consumer’s attention best.
Free online advertising
There are multiple reasons for having surveys performed. The bottom line is that it is an essential marketing tool that businesses cannot live without. For you, you have the chance to help but also make money for doing surveys.

The truth is that doing surveys to earn money is a pretty straightforward process. In most cases, the companies are on the up and up, simply needing consumer input. Even so, as the consumer, you need to make sure you work with reputable companies, which can be determined by looking at the site’s information.

With so many online surveys available, you do not have to grab at the first few you find. In fact, we suggest you consider a variety of sites and then make the right decision. Remember, you should never be asked for money and if you are, then you need to move on and quickly. (
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Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Join gdi website business opportunity free leads

Hi my study is character Schuyler. I’d same to speech to you most the hottest website around. It is FREEGDI WEBSITE and I elicit you to verify the Global Domains International GDI Home Business Opportunity. Distributors desired Worldwide. It is not a cheat but a Brobdingnagian MLM Marketing Plan that anyone crapper do. Join 1000’s of actual grouping worldwide who are antiquity their possess Income for Life.

GDI has matured the Planet’s most coercive Multi Level Marketing Strategy to dispense and mart scheme domains. Their strategy has worked substantially offers Brobdingnagian possibleness incomes to members with peak impact and theoretical noesis of the internet. Check discover more most GDI at

Heres how the GDI dumbfounding organisation works. Global Domains International inc also famous as GDI has inner authorise commendation to dispense the extend WS domains which is their important substance to customers. With some extend domains apace effort condemned WS Domains are hot. Now it the correct instance to move onboard and intend a WS Domain with the study of your choice. The GDI mlm grouping actually combines MLM meshwork marketing with cyberspace Marketing which I conceive is clean brilliance. parliamentarian comedienne of Multiple Streams of Income states in his aggregation that meshwork marketing and internet marketing are digit juicy and cushy streams of income. He is the world’s most coercive marketing guru. Now Global Domains International combines these digit streams into digit allowing members to move in meshwork marketing with internet marketing on rank automation. This gives you the possibleness to deal GDI with the concern and acquire material income. The skys the bounds with this product.

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And prizewinning abstract of all, it is digit of the cheapest meshwork marketing and internet marketing playing stake you crapper ever encounter with possibleness maximal convey on investment. You crapper analyse discover using the estimator provided below. According to calculations, if you crapper encounter 5 grouping and the 5 grouping in invoke finds 5 people, you hit a possibleness earnings of $3.905 per month. Now that’s the noesis of meshwork marketing and I am trusty you module concord that with an assets of exclusive $10 a month, you module never encounter added income possibleness with this category of baritone venture and broad returns. Join us today.GDI is definately not a cheat but a actual lawful playing opportunity. There are some structure to encourage this product. I hit become crossways some awing structure to intend message for GDI. It is an dumbfounding money antiquity playing that anyone crapper do. I undergo college students and grandmas who are generating beatific income with the most coercive bag playing aggregation on the planet. It is cushy to tie GDI. Just utter my unification beneath for more liberated aggregation at the Official GDI Website. You crapper modify essay it for heptad life for free. After you clew up I module condition you how to promote this dumbfounding product.

Visit the www.freegdi website today. Just utter FREEGDI WEBSITE and meet the website that is existence heard around the world. Take plus of the liberated giveaways and verify the GDI possibleness today.(

Friday, July 4, 2008

Reverse Funnel System Review: Scam Or Not?

If you’re desperately searching through the pages of Google to find that perfect home business, I have no doubt in my mind that you have seen multiple pages that display the shirtless surfer looking guy with a laptop. As you continued to read on, you heard boasts of “$5,000-$10,000 per week” and “6 and 7 figure returns” and you got really excited, am I right? Chances are you were completely sold on the concept, but the big factor in your indecision was the cost. Well, before you give the Reverse Funnel System anymore thought, I’d like to break it down a bit more simply and bring some things to your attention that you may have ignored or simply didn’t notice. Furthermore, I’d like to make mention to an equally comparable alternative, and perhaps show you another option to consider.
First of all, let’s break down Ty Coughlin’s Reverse Funnel System. You MUST pay $50 for an “application” to get details on the system. You THEN realize that the source of all this supposed revenue stems from another opportunity known as Global Resorts Network. The information that follows is quite similar to what you originally read before forking over $50, which is colorful vocabulary that beautifully paints a “you’re going to be rich” picture; and you’re left with the decision of whether or not $5,000+ is worth this opportunity. If you didn’t have a dispensable $5k in your pocket, I’m sure you went looking for answers and consequently stumbled across this article.

One thing to immediately evaluate is the high costs of joining. The membership fee is $3,000 and along with that it is recommended that you also have around $2,000 to $5,000 in startup advertisement costs. PLUS, there is also a recurring monthly fee of $300. That’s a bit to handle for the average person in America. If anyone does have that kind of money to risk on business ventures, they typically look at these types of opportunities as a means of INCREASING their riches, not MAKE them. So what does this mean? It means that the Reverse Funnel System is tailored for those who HAVE money. Consequently, the little guy is left out and anyone else who doesn’t have as much to invest has to look elsewhere.

Furthermore, what does this suggested advertisement budget inform us of? It implies that the Reverse Funnel System is very dependent on paid advertisement. So anyone who can afford to invest more in advertisements automatically has a higher probability of success. That doesn’t make the system a level opportunity.
Get Your Own Website!
There are tons of ways to drive traffic to a website, which in essence is the name of the game with most programs like this. You are given a page that converts visitors into buyers, which leaves you one job: send visitors to your page. If you join the Reverse Funnel System, it’s obvious that the preferred method of acquiring these visitors is advertisement. What about the countless types of free traffic? I doubt that the Reverse Funnel System devotes much time to these.

Also, what if you can’t afford the Reverse Funnel System? Does that mean that other less expensive opportunities don’t size up to RFS? Some would think so; but the cost of a program doesn’t necessarily justify how much success you’ll have with it.
All 4 One World
This brings me to my next point. Given the right information, and the proper training, do you think you could become profitable with any program simply because you know how it ALL works? If you’re new to internet marketing, I’ll just answer that for you…NO. I hope that isn’t a slap in the face to you, but it’s true. Whether a program sucks or not, you can theoretically make money no matter what. It’s just a numbers game, as is anything else. If you can get a million visitors to any given page that sells something, some people are going to buy. If a buyer can tell themselves that the product is worth its price tag, transaction over. That holds true if the product is a piece of gum, or a million dollar house.
What am I getting at? If you know how to properly market online and you can find people looking to buy what you have, you can literally sell anything. It’s an invaluable skill. Choose any search engine, type in “home based business” and have your pick of the litter; the experienced marketer can turn a profit from that program. So instead of asking “will this opportunity make me money?”, ask “will this opportunity TEACH me to make money.” A small difference in wording completely changes the question.

The only affiliate program that recognizes the importance of teaching its members how to properly market online is Derrick Harper’s Wealth Funnel System. Like its competitors, it offers the opportunity to sell products that the market demands; but more importantly it provides members an abundance of lessons and materials on internet marketing. This allows the beginner to shed his rookie status in no time at all. Furthermore, it also gives access to pre written ads that have shown to be highly effective, just like the rest. The difference is that Wealth Funnel System doesn’t encourage blind advertisement and ask its members to just assume that every ad will yield profits. The ads are a tool among many, but not the focus. The focus is in teaching a skill set, which is more valuable than any number of pre written “effective” ads.

This concludes my article on the Reverse Funnel System. I hope it’ll be of assistance in your evaluation of Ty Coughlin’s opportunity. No matter what business you decide to pursue, make sure that your success is dependent on your own efforts and not just the promises of the company. Wishing you the best, Joe Marquez (